Hi guys .
Just wanted to mention that a short list is appreciated if you are close to being on the clock and know you will be away for a good chunk of the day .
Mark(Vancouver gm) and I both have access to the league email and will not open emails that contain a list until that team is on the clock.
Sending me a list via PM on the boards will only reach me , not Mark ; so it is better to send it to the league email here
deuce70s@yahoo.caMark is a bit of a nite owl so he often times helps keep the pace going by processing some late night lists which in turn helps get the daytime pace moving .For example , if you are on deck and are tired of waiting , sending a short 1 man list could go a long way to putting a dent into the evening pace.
I totally respect the opinion of all of you .So if you are against leaving a list for personal reasons , thats cool .
However , a brief note in the league general draft thread indicating an approx time of return to make pick would be appreciated .Nothing worse than waiting around when we could be doing something else .